Forest & Woodland Scenics (174 total images) 
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Stock photo. Caption: Black eyed susans   and Devils Tower Devils Tower National Monument Wyoming -- united states america  mountain high country summer mountains landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountains landmark scenic Parks sunny blue skies clear flowers flower wildflower wildflowers sunflowers sunflower Rudbeckia hirta scenic scenics
Black eyed susans
and Devils Tower
Devils Tower National Monument
© John Hendrickson
Image ID: 450DT011K1

Stock photo. Caption: South Fork Smith River & western azalea Smith River National Recreation Area Six Rivers National Forest Del Norte County, California -- Craigs Beach united states america summer landscape landscapes Rhododendron occidentalis granite  fragrant shrub shrubs sunny blue skies clear granite crisp azaleas  rivers wild and scenic
South Fork Smith River & western azalea
Smith River National Recreation Area
Six Rivers National Forest
Del Norte County, California
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 505RD096X1

Stock photo. Caption: Western azalea Miami Creek Sierra National Forest Sierra Nevada, California -- united states america spring summer mountains Rhododendron occidentalis granite waterfall hiking hike wildernesses fragrant shrub shrubs cloudt soft light crisp azaleas creek stream streams bloom blooms flower flowers wildflower wildflowers
Western azalea
Miami Creek
Sierra National Forest
Sierra Nevada, California
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 505SS030X1
Stock photo. Caption: Western azalea Miami Creek Sierra National Forest Sierra Nevada, California -- united states america spring summer mountains Rhododendron occidentalis granite waterfall hiking hike wildernesses fragrant shrub shrubs cloudt soft light crisp azaleas creek stream streams bloom blooms flower flowers wildflower wildflowers
Western azalea
Miami Creek
Sierra National Forest
Sierra Nevada, California
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 505SS031X1

Stock photo. Caption: Western azalea and indian rhubarb Miami Creek Sierra National Forest Sierra Nevada, California -- united states america spring summer mountains Rhododendron occidentalis granite waterfall hiking hike wildernesses fragrant shrub shrubs cloudt soft light crisp azaleas creek stream streams bloom blooms flower flowers wildflower wildflowers
Western azalea and indian rhubarb
Miami Creek
Sierra National Forest
Sierra Nevada, California
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 505SS032X1

Stock photo. Caption: Indian paintbrush and golden ragwort Coakley Hollow Trail Lake of the Ozarks State Park Camden County, Missouri -- flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america spring flower native plants plant popular hiking trails living wild parks landscapes landscape scenic scenics rivers clean fresh clear springs Senecio aureus Castilleja attractions attractions streams
Indian paintbrush and golden ragwort
Coakley Hollow Trail
Lake of the Ozarks State Park
Camden County, Missouri
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 525MZ090X1
Stock photo. Caption: Green tree frog (Hyla cinera), little  sweet Betsy trillium (Trillium cuneatum) & saw-palmetto (Serenoa repens) Spring Island, Beaufort County Lowcountry, South Carolina -- closeup closeups detail details artistic nature pattern patterns design designs form forms shapes shape native plants plant frogs treefrogs frog amphibians amphibian native animal animals wildlife fauna habitat flowers flower beauty tree balanced sweet
Green tree frog (Hyla cinera), little
sweet Betsy trillium (Trillium
cuneatum) & saw-palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Spring Island, Beaufort County
Lowcountry, South Carolina
© Tom Blagden
Image ID: 540AB025T1

Stock photo. Caption: Coral bean (Erythrina herbacea)   and cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) Spring Island, Beaufort County Lowcountry, South Carolina -- detail details artistic nature pattern patterns design designs form forms shapes shape native plants plant flowers flower wildflower habitat swamp swamps environment ecology stalks palms flora
Coral bean (Erythrina herbacea)
and cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto)
Spring Island, Beaufort County
Lowcountry, South Carolina
© Tom Blagden
Image ID: 540AB026T1

Stock photo. Caption: Cross vine (Anisostichus capreolata)   on tree trunk Spring Island, Beaufort County Lowcountry, South Carolina -- detail details artistic nature pattern patterns design designs form forms shapes shape native plants plant flowers flower wildflower habitat swamp swamps environment ecology vines flora wetlands wetland
Cross vine (Anisostichus capreolata)
on tree trunk
Spring Island, Beaufort County
Lowcountry, South Carolina
© Tom Blagden
Image ID: 540AB027T1
Stock photo. Caption: Snowdrops (introduced) and live oaks (Quercus virginiana) Edwards Oak Allee Spring Island, Beaufort County Lowcountry, South Carolina -- artistic nature pattern patterns design designs form forms scenic plants plant flowers flower habitat swamp swamps environment ecology flora balance balanced forest forests floor nonnative ornamental bulbs naturalized landscapes landscape scenics scene
Snowdrops (introduced) and live oaks
(Quercus virginiana) Edwards Oak Allee
Spring Island, Beaufort County
Lowcountry, South Carolina
© Tom Blagden
Image ID: 540AB028T1

Stock photo. Caption: Snowdrops (introduced) and live oaks at Edwards Oak Allee Spring Island, Beaufort County Lowcountry, South Carolina -- Quercus virginiana
Snowdrops (introduced) and live oaks
at Edwards Oak Allee
Spring Island, Beaufort County
Lowcountry, South Carolina
© Tom Blagden
Image ID: 540AB028T5

Stock photo. Caption: Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) Texas Hill Country Texas -- foothill foothills grassland grasslands flower flowers wildflower wildflowers spring fields meadow meadows carpet carpets woodland woodlands  hill country fence fences 
Gaillardia pulchella sunflower sunflowers gaillardias
Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella)
Texas Hill Country
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 543TH001X1
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