Mountain Scenics (384 total images) 
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Stock photo. Caption: Little sunflower and cow-parsnip Avery Peak,  Gunnison National Forest Elk Mountains Rocky Mountains, Colorado -- rockies forests subalpine flower flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain Aspen Helianthella quinquenervis Heracleum lanatum sweet cloudy fields scenics scenic views view
Little sunflower and cow-parsnip
Avery Peak, Gunnison National Forest
Elk Mountains
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE012X1

Stock photo. Caption: East Beckwith Mountain   from Horse Ranch Park West Elk Mountains Rocky Mountains, Colorado -- rockies forests subalpine flower flowers wildflower wildflowers summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain sagebrush paintbrushes sage abundance cloudy fields scenics scenic views view abundant lush highcountry scenics scenic diverse diversity
East Beckwith Mountain
from Horse Ranch Park
West Elk Mountains
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE013X1

Stock photo. Caption: Showy daisy and orange sneezeweed Horse Ranch Park,  Ruby Range Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Colorado -- rockies forests subalpine flower flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain Aspen daisys daisies Erigeron speciosus Helenium hoopesii abundance pleasant sweet cloudy fields scenics scenic views
Showy daisy and orange sneezeweed
Horse Ranch Park, Ruby Range
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE016X1
Stock photo. Caption: Paintbrush and Anthracite Range   from Ohio Creek Valley Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Colorado -- rockies forests subalpine flower flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain sagebrush paintbrushes sage abundance cloudy fields scenics scenic views view
Paintbrush and Anthracite Range
from Ohio Creek Valley
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE022X1

Stock photo. Caption: Paintbrush, asters and sagebrush Ohio Pass Road, West Elk Mountains Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,   Colorado -- rockies forests subalpine flower flowers wildflower wildflowers summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain sagebrush paintbrushes sage abundance roads scenic backroads backroad building buildings cabin cabins woods secluded isolated isolation
Paintbrush, asters and sagebrush
Ohio Pass Road, West Elk Mountains
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE023X1

Stock photo. Caption: Cow parsnip and East River   near Crested Butte Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Colorado -- rockies flower flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain Heracleum lanatum sweet oxbow oxbows meandering stream streams rivers meander wandering wander abundance free green lush high
Cow parsnip and East River
near Crested Butte
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE025X1
Stock photo. Caption: Cow parsnip and Purple Mountain Slate River Valley Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Colorado -- rockies flower flowers wildflower wildflowers united states america summer landscape landscapes meadow meadows mountain Heracleum lanatum sweet abundance free green lush high rockies stormy storm abundant
Cow parsnip and Purple Mountain
Slate River Valley
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE026X1

Stock photo. Caption: Marshmarigold & Parry
Marshmarigold & Parry's primrose
Ruby Range
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE027X1

Stock photo. Caption: Marshmarigold and Garfield Peak   from Democrat Basin Ruby Range,  Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains, Colorado -- Marshmarigolds flower flowers wildflower wildflowers summer  marigold marigolds marsh caltha leptosepala clear sunny landscapes meandering creek meander oxbow curves winding luxurious turning twisting sinuous bent confused creeks rockies whimsy whimsical
Marshmarigold and Garfield Peak
from Democrat Basin
Ruby Range, Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE029X1
Stock photo. Caption: Showy daisy, giant-hyssop and aspen Horse Ranch Park,  Ruby Range Gunnison National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Colorado -- flowers flower wildflower wildflowers summer united states america abundant floral bloom blooming warmth warm sweet diversity Erigeron speciosus Agastache urticifolia aspens meadow meadows purple fresh daisies lush scenic scenics full forests
Showy daisy, giant-hyssop and aspen
Horse Ranch Park, Ruby Range
Gunnison National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WE040X1

Stock photo. Caption: Alpine sunflower, Arrow Peak  and the Grenadier Range Weminuche Wilderness San Juan National Forest San Juan Mountains, Colorado -- Rocky Mountains rockies united states america peaks landscape landscapes mountain wildernesses summer forest forests flowers wildflower wildflowers Hymenoxys grandiflora sunflowers backcountry highcountry sunflower alpine stormy above timberline scenics
Alpine sunflower, Arrow Peak
and the Grenadier Range
Weminuche Wilderness
San Juan National Forest
San Juan Mountains, Colorado
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 406WW004X1

Stock photo. Caption: Mountain arnica and Henrys Fork    below Upper Mesa Falls Targhee National Forest Rocky Mountains,  Idaho -- blue ribbon fall trout stream streams rivers cold steam famous Arnica latifolia gracilis abstract nature artistic survivor tenacity isolation isolated loneliness independence growth solitude trust youth
Mountain arnica and Henrys Fork
below Upper Mesa Falls
Targhee National Forest
Rocky Mountains, Idaho
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 412IE005X1
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