Rivers and Streams (817 total images) 
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Stock photo. Caption: Autumn forest Little River Great Smoky Mountains National Park Appalachian Mountains,  Tennessee -- world heritage site sites parks rivers water appalachian stream streams fall autumn color colors tree trees creek creeks hardwood forest forests south southern southeast southeastern peaceful placid peace foliage scenic scenics landscapes landscape calm
Autumn forest
Little River
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442SK006X1

Stock photo. Caption: Beech trees and rhododendron Little River Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee -- world heritage site sites parks rivers water appalachian stream streams fall autumn color colors tree trees creek creeks hardwood forest forests south southern southeast southeastern peaceful placid peace foliage scenic scenics landscapes landscape calm
Beech trees and rhododendron
Little River
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442SK007X1

Stock photo. Caption: Autumn hardwood forest Little River Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee -- world heritage site sites parks rivers rushing water appalachian stream streams fall autumn color colors tree trees creek creeks hardwood forest forests south southern southeast southeastern pool pools solitude calm quiet simple foliage reflection
Autumn hardwood forest
Little River
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442SK009X1
Stock photo. Caption: Flowering dogwood, Greenbrier Cove Middle Prong Little Pigeon River Great Smoky Mountains National Park Tennessee -- world heritage site sites parks rivers rushing water appalachian stream streams spring tree trees creek creeks hardwood forest forests dogwoods south southern cornus florida haunting floating flowers interlude natural artistic nature time trust patience
Flowering dogwood, Greenbrier Cove
Middle Prong Little Pigeon River
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442SK010X1

Stock photo. Caption: Flowering Dogwood Little Pigeon River Great Smoky Mountains  Nat. Park, Tennessee -- middle prong world heritage site sites parks rivers rushing water greenbrier cove appalachian stream streams national spring tree trees creek creeks hardwood forest forests dogwoods south southern cornus florida sweet harbinger wild luxurious ecology
Flowering Dogwood
Little Pigeon River
Great Smoky Mountains
Nat. Park, Tennessee
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442SK011X1

Stock photo. Caption: Yellow poplar Tellico River Cherokee National Forest Appalachian Mountains,  Tennessee -- creeks united waterfall waterfalls cascade cascades spring south southeastern states america southeast appalachians verdant stream streams forest forests rivers appalachia water refreshing fresh poplars
Yellow poplar
Tellico River
Cherokee National Forest
Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442TF005X1
Stock photo. Caption: Kentucky wisteria Tellico River Cherokee National Forest Appalachian Mountains,  Tennessee -- creeks united waterfall waterfalls cascade cascades spring south southeastern states america southeast appalachians verdant stream streams forest forests vines vine appalachia woody deciduous native plant plants rivers sweet lined growing trees tree
Kentucky wisteria
Tellico River
Cherokee National Forest
Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442TF006X1

Stock photo. Caption: Tellico River Unicoi Mountains Cherokee National Forest Tennessee -- united south southeastern states america southeast appalachians forest forests appalachia hardwood hardwoods rivers autumn fall foliage landscape landscapes scenic scenics foggy overcast moody lazy
Tellico River
Unicoi Mountains
Cherokee National Forest
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 442TF017X1

Stock photo. Caption: Bald cypress Pedernales River Pedernales Falls State Park Blanco County, Texas -- bald cypress cypresses rivers spring   tree trees landscape landscapes united states america hill country evening light tranquil wetlands wetland park water attraction attractions destination destinations texan tourist travel camping hill country
Bald cypress
Pedernales River
Pedernales Falls State Park
Blanco County, Texas
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 443TH006X1
Stock photo. Caption: Bald cypress Pedernales River Pedernales Falls State Park Blanco County,  Texas -- creeks spring midwest parks tree trees cypresses conifer conifers stream streams forest forests woods wetlands wetland park water attraction attractions destination destinations texan tourist travel scenic scenics landscape landscapes hill country
Bald cypress
Pedernales River
Pedernales Falls State Park
Blanco County, Texas
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 443TH008X1

Stock photo. Caption: Pedernales Falls Pedernales River Pedernales Falls State Park Hill Country, Texas -- waterfall waterfalls creeks spring midwest midwestern parks  pools pure clean power stream streams energy white water powerful attraction attractions destination destinations tourist travel holiday vacation texan  landscape landscapes hill country
Pedernales Falls
Pedernales River
Pedernales Falls State Park
Hill Country, Texas
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 443TH012X1

Stock photo. Caption: Bald cypress Frio River Texas Hill Country Texas -- united states america landscape landscapes scenic scenics scene tree trees Taxodium distichum baldcypress deciduous wetland wetlands swamp swamps conifer conifers clear rivers growing along sunny spring cypresses
Bald cypress
Frio River
Texas Hill Country
© Tom Algire
Image ID: 443TH016W1
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