Southwestern Nat. Monuments (289 total images) 
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Stock photo. Caption: Fremont cottonwoods in The Gulch Escalante River Basin Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- united states america slickrock canyon country sandstone parks landscape landscapes tourist destination destinations eroded erosion delicate  rock weathered monuments slickrock scenic scene plateaus
Fremont cottonwoods in The Gulch
Escalante River Basin
Grand Staircase-Escalante
National Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Scott T. Smith
Image ID: 444ES053S1

Stock photo. Caption: Low fleabane & petrified wood Wolverine Petrified Wood Natural Area Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- Erigeron pumilus united states america slickrock canyon country sandstone parks eroded erosion rock weathered monuments mineralized mineral flowers flower daisy daisies detail details closeups closeup tenacity survivor niche niches growing living things
Low fleabane & petrified wood
Wolverine Petrified Wood Natural Area
Grand Staircase-Escalante National
Monument, Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Scott T. Smith
Image ID: 444ES054S1

Stock photo. Caption: Navajo sandstone and ponderosa      pine   near Phipps Wash Escalante-Grand Staircase National   Monument,  Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- petrified sand dunes monuments canyon canyons slickrock erosion rock plateau country travel destination destination eroded pines tree trees sunrise sunrises sunny clear blue skies rocky slick landscape landscapes scenic scenics solid eternal patience
Navajo sandstone and ponderosa pine
near Phipps Wash
Escalante-Grand Staircase National
Monument, Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES058X1
Stock photo. Caption: Navajo sandstone (petrified sand  dunes) near Phipps Wash Escalante-Grand Staircase  National Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock  rock plateaus country travel destination destination eroded sunrise sunrises landscape landscapes geology geologic alone evolution solitude redrock isolation sunny clear blue skies single lonely quiet scenics spring
Navajo sandstone (petrified sand
dunes) near Phipps Wash
Escalante-Grand Staircase
National Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES059X1

Stock photo. Caption: Navajo sandstone near Phipps Wash Escalante-Grand Staircase   National Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock rock plateaus country travel destination destination eroded sunrise sunrises landscape landscapes geology geologic alone evolution solitude redrock isolation sunny clear blue skies single lonely quiet scenics spring rows
Navajo sandstone near Phipps Wash
Escalante-Grand Staircase
National Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES060X1

Stock photo. Caption: Fremont cottonwoods, Escalante River   upstream from Calf Creek Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Garfield County,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock  creeks plateaus country hiking destination destination seep sandstone oasis cool protected walls wall spring tree trees desert deserts lush sweet entrada formation formations redrock  spring river rivers scenics scenic
Fremont cottonwoods, Escalante River
upstream from Calf Creek
Grand Staircase-Escalante National
Monument, Garfield County, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES061X1
Stock photo. Caption: Box elders line the Escalante River   upstream from Calf Creek Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument,  Garfield County,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock erosion rock plateaus country wilderness wildernesses backcountry hiking destination destination fall autumn desert seep seeps rivers southern deserts oasis reflections reflection walls slick water scenic scenics
Box elders line the Escalante River
upstream from Calf Creek
Grand Staircase-Escalante National
Monument, Garfield County, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES062X1

Stock photo. Caption: Fremont cottonwood and Escalante Natural Arch Escalante River Canyon Escalante-Grand Staircase National Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock erosion arches bridge bridges natural rock plateaus country wilderness wildernesses backcountry hiking destination destination fall autumn desert varnish classic picturesque landscape landscapes foliage strong strength
Fremont cottonwood
and Escalante Natural Arch
Escalante River Canyon
Escalante-Grand Staircase National Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES064X1

Stock photo. Caption: Fremont cottonwood and Escalante   Natural Arch, Escalante River Canyon   upstream from Calf Creek Escalante-Grand Staircase National   Monument,  Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- monuments canyon canyons slickrock erosion arches bridge bridges natural rock plateaus country wilderness wildernesses backcountry hiking destination destination fall autumn desert varnish classic picturesque landscape landscapes foliage strong strength
Fremont cottonwood and Escalante
Natural Arch, Escalante River Canyon
upstream from Calf Creek
Escalante-Grand Staircase National
Monument, Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 444ES065X1
Stock photo. Caption: Sunset Arch and Fiftymile Mountain Grand Staircase-Escalante   National Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- canyons country deserts sandstone erosion eroded southwest painted desert united states desolate remote isolation slickrock backcountry arches geology geologic weathered weathering monuments fragile balance balanced landscape landscapes sunny clear rock
Sunset Arch and Fiftymile Mountain
Grand Staircase-Escalante
National Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Scott T. Smith
Image ID: 444ES071S1

Stock photo. Caption: Moqui marbles or balls Escalante River Basin Grand Staircase-Escalante Nat. Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- national canyons country deserts sandstone erosion eroded southwest painted desert united states  slickrock geology geologic weathered weathering monuments round ball ethereal time concretions evolution iron durable pattern patterns design designs rock
Moqui marbles or balls
Escalante River Basin
Grand Staircase-Escalante Nat. Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Scott T. Smith
Image ID: 444ES073S1

Stock photo. Caption: Moqui marbles or balls Escalante River Basin Grand Staircase-Escalante Nat. Monument Colorado Plateau,  Utah -- national canyons country deserts sandstone erosion eroded southwest desert united states slickrock geology geologic weathered monuments balance balanced round ball ethereal time concretions evolution iron detail pattern details background spheres sphere
Moqui marbles or balls
Escalante River Basin
Grand Staircase-Escalante Nat. Monument
Colorado Plateau, Utah
© Scott T. Smith
Image ID: 444ES074S1
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