Rocky Mountain National Parks (500 total images) 
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Stock photo. Caption: Fern-leaved lousewort Hayden Valley Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains,  Wyoming --  pedicularis cystopteridifolia  flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies louseworts parks world heritage site sites native plants plants living things mountain
Fern-leaved lousewort
Hayden Valley
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL044X1

Stock photo. Caption: Silvery lupine Hayden Valley Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains,  Wyoming --  flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies lupines Lupinus argentus world heritage site sites native plants plant blue blooming
Silvery lupine
Hayden Valley
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL045X1

Stock photo. Caption: Beautiful shooting star and woods  forget-me-not,  Mt. Washburn Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies mount parks Dodecatheon pulchellum Myosotis alpestris world heritage site sites native plants plant blooming stars floral sweet
Beautiful shooting star and woods
forget-me-not, Mt. Washburn
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL046X1
Stock photo. Caption: Beautiful shooting star and  woods forget-me-not,  Mt. Washburn Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies mount parks Dodecatheon pulchellum Myosotis alpestris world heritage site sites native plants plant sweet floral periwincle blue
Beautiful shooting star and
woods forget-me-not, Mt. Washburn
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL047X1

Stock photo. Caption: Showy Jacobs ladder  and Nuttall larkspur Mt. Washburn Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies mount parks Polemonium pulcherrimum Delphinium nuttallianum world heritage site sites native plants plant
Showy Jacobs ladder
and Nuttall larkspur
Mt. Washburn
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL050X1

Stock photo. Caption: Showy Jacobs ladder & Nuttall larkspur Mt. Washburn Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- flowers flower wildflower wildflowers detail details closeup closeups spring united states america mountain rockies mount parks Polemonium pulcherrimum Delphinium nuttallianum world heritage site sites native plants plant larkspurs sweet
Showy Jacobs ladder & Nuttall larkspur
Mt. Washburn
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL051X1
Stock photo. Caption: American bison or buffalo Hayden Valley Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains,  Wyoming -- united states america parks buffalos buffaloes bisons crossing road roads wildlife destination destinations family vacation travel young
American bison or buffalo
Hayden Valley
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Londie G. Padelsky
Image ID: 550YL052P1

Stock photo. Caption: American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- animal animals squirels squirel squirrels squirells parks rodent cute critters critter rockies native habitat winter snow snowy snowey
American red squirrel
(Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© John Hendrickson
Image ID: 550YL053K1

Stock photo. Caption: Coyote Lamar Valley Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- animal animals parks critters critter rockies native habitat winter snow snowy snowey  mammal mammals predator coyotes scavenger winter blue skies landscape landscapes scenic scenics part world heritage site sites
Lamar Valley
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© John Hendrickson
Image ID: 550YL055K1
Stock photo. Caption: Old Faithful Geyser Upper Geyser Basin Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- tourist destination destinations attraction attractions parks landscape landscapes scenic scenics destination destinations world heritage site sites geysers famous predictable erupting eruption rockies rainbow rainbows landmarks landmark
Old Faithful Geyser
Upper Geyser Basin
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© John Hendrickson
Image ID: 550YL056K1

Stock photo. Caption: Lodgepole pine and Gibbon Falls Gibbon River Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- united states america rivers areas parks rockies water waterfall waterfalls major soaring cliff cliffs pines fall autumn cascade cascades
Lodgepole pine and Gibbon Falls
Gibbon River
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL057X1

Stock photo. Caption: Lodgepole pine and Gibbon Falls Gibbon River Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountains, Wyoming -- united states america rivers areas parks rockies water waterfall waterfalls major soaring cliff cliffs pines fall autumn cascade cascades
Lodgepole pine and Gibbon Falls
Gibbon River
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountains, Wyoming
© Larry Ulrich
Image ID: 550YL058X1
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